Guest Accounts - Convenient collaboration beyond boundaries

Guest Accounts

Share your data in an easy and secure manner with people outside your organization. Except for a few restrictions, the full ownCloud Online functionality is available for Guest Users.

This extends the protection of your data without any restrictions beyond your company boundaries and offers a holistically secure and convenient way of working together.

Desktop and mobile clients

Guest Accounts are not only a powerful addition to your own workflow. Guest Users are even able to use the Desktop and mobile clients! This offers not only a very comfortable but also very secure possibility to collaborate with others.

Get the Desktop and mobile clients here

No User license required

Guest Accounts do not need a user license. It’s included in the initial price and you can use them without any additional costs.

Options Description
Notify by email

In addition to the periodically sent activity emails (default: once an hour) the user can be immediately notified about the new share.

Note: Admins can disable this feature which will make the button disappear. (Settings -> Sharing -> “Allow users to send mail notification for shared files to other users”)

can share

If checked, the guest user is able to share the file/folder again to other people. Disabled per default.

can edit

If checked, the guest user is allowed to modify the file. While change (edit files/folders) is available for files also, create (add new files/folders), and delete (delete files/folders) are available for shared folders only.

Trash bin

Remove the share. Guest User won’t have access to that file/folder anymore. This does not delete the created Guest Account. Only admin can remove Guest Accounts.

More from the feature collection SHARING Icon Feature Teams - Sharing groups Teams (Custom Groups)

Create custom sharing segmentations on the fly. For a more efficient workflow without the need of an administrator.

See how it works Icon Feature File Notifications Activity Stream & Notifications

Get notified in realtime about file actions and see who worked on your files. No file action will get past you anymore.

Explore more Icon Feature On-Premises Migration Advanced sharing possibilities offers a variety of settings for flexible and convenient ways to share files with other users.

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